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Obsidian is a C# .NET implementation of the Minecraft server protocol. Obsidian is currently still in development, and a lot of love and care is being put into the project!

Feel free to join our Discord if you're curious about the current state of the project, questions are always welcome!

Obsidian Discord

🔧 Setup guide

A fairly comprehensive setup guide is available here. This guide goes over how to set up your server either manually or with Docker, and explains most configuration values.

Setup Guide

💻 Contribute

Contributions are always welcome! Read about how you can contribute here. These are some guidelines on what we like to see in contributions (and what not).

Contribution Guidelines

🔌 Develop plugins

Plugins are cool! Wanna make them yourself? Find out about plugin development here. As of right now, plugins are at a very early stage, and are extremely likely to change. This guide may or may not be up to date.

Plugin Development

  • Github Repository: Link
  • Documentation Repository: Link
  • Discord Chat: Link
  • Plugin Base: Link

😎 The Obsidian Team

💕 Thank-you's

Thank you to #mcdevs for additional support.

Thank you to Wiki.vg for documenting Minecraft's protocol.

Thank you to Mojang for creating this wonderful game named Minecraft.

...and of course the biggest thank you to everyone that contributed!

Made with contributors-img